Making a difference by helping people thrive.

职业治疗师通过让人们从事对他们个人有意义的职业,来促进他们茁壮成长和过上最好生活的能力. At Pacific, 职业治疗学术课程和实地考察被整合到以生物心理社会模型为基础的课程中, 以客户为中心,旨在满足我们所服务的社区的各种需求.

32-month accelerated program

Interdisciplinary courses and simulation labs

Biopsychosocial curriculum model

About the program

博彩平台网址大全创新的职业治疗博士课程培养学生帮助所有年龄段的人通过受伤工作过上最好的生活, 残疾和疾病以及在日常生活中保持整体健康和活力. 教学以加速形式提供跨学科课程,通过创新的学习策略, classroom meetings and simulation labs. 计划毕业生将准备促进整个生命周期的个人和不同社区的综合健康和保健行为.

Program length

这个基于队列的120个单元的项目包括8个学期(32个月)。. 学生将从基础课程开始,然后学习针对特定年龄组和生活挑战的干预策略. 职业治疗入门级博士学位(OTD)在完成第二级实地考察和顶点要求并在初步入学后的四年内授予.

students using vr headsets
Why choose OT at Pacific?

入门级职业治疗博士课程的学生与我们的教师有密切的互动和个人关注. 许多课程都是小型研讨会式的,更大的讲座小组有大约40名学生.
Faculty have extensive clinical experience, specialty certifications, research experience, and are passionate about teaching students and OT.

  • Hands-on practical experiences throughout curriculum
  • Biopsychosocial modeled curriculum
  • Community engagement and volunteering experiences
  • Faculty and peer mentoring
  • Interprofessional collaboration in the School of Health Sciences
Explore your future as an Occupational Therapist
Pathway Programs

目前,博彩平台网址大全的本科生有两条通往职业治疗博士项目的令人兴奋的途径. 选择一个保证面试的途径还是一个保证录取的途径.

学生们在萨克拉门托的博彩平台网址大全职业治疗博士项目中进行动手实践, CA.

About the Occupational Therapy Program

OT Alumni

“I chose Pacific OT because of the location and small campus environment. 我喜欢在萨克拉门托社区的各种医院和诊所做志愿者和工作. 因此,我想以职业治疗师的身份回馈萨克拉门托社区."

- Hannah Yanica Gantuangco, Class of 2023

“我之所以选择太平洋OT,是因为我欣赏在开放日上发言的所有员工的真诚,以及他们愿意回答我的许多问题. 校园很漂亮,而且交通便利,离我家很近. What stands out about this OT program is its psycho-social model. 我完全相信对每个病人的综合护理和合作. I like being part of a team working towards the best possible outcome.”

- Naima Reddick (she/her), Class of 2023

旨在整合博彩平台网址大全的价值观和使命,即“为个人在职业生涯和社区中取得持久成就和负责任的领导做好准备”,该课程将学习者培养成为有能力的具有社会意识的实践者,他们体现了服务于社区职业需求的专业身份. 课程建立在生物心理社会模型的基础上,以下概念贯穿整个课程:

  • Student-centered scholarship of teaching and learning
  • Advocacy/Occupational Justice
  • Client-Centered Leadership
  • Reflective Evidence-Based Practice
  • Occupation-based Community practice

通过八个学期的课程,学生将学习成为全科医生. However, with the doctoral level program, 学生将有机会专注于专业领域的实践,如临床研究技能, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education and theory development.

Our Mission

博彩平台网址大全职业治疗博士课程的使命是培养学生的能力, 具有社会意识的从业人员使用职业作为个人和不同社区的治疗措施. 以学生为中心的课程旨在优化学生对职业价值的理解,从不同的角度贯穿一生, including biological, psychological and social to promote a compassionate, client-centered, science-driven, and interdisciplinary team approach in the delivery of care.

Program Vision


Department Vision

培养和教育具有社会意识的全球领导者,促进职业治疗领域的职业公正. 培养一个包容的团队领导环境,包括多元化的观点. Promote and foster open dialogue that leads to a stronger community.

Values and Commitment

At the University of Pacific, 我们相信,多样性和包容性对实现我们的机构使命至关重要.
我们的教师致力于促进终身职业的全面参与, and acknowledge that multiple systemic, environmental, and personal barriers limit successful engagement for some individuals, 尤其是那些被认为是未被充分代表的种族和民族的人, disability, economically disadvantaged, and/or LGBTQIA+ communities. 我们致力于准备全科医生,倡导所有个人, are committed to social justice, and create inclusive strategies for those we serve.

Student Outcomes 

Graduation Rates

  Graduation Year   Students Entering/Graduating    Graduation Rate 
  2023  37/36  97%

NBCOT Pass Rates

国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT) can be found here.

Accreditation Status

入门级职业治疗博士学位课程由美国职业治疗协会(AOTA)的职业治疗教育认证委员会(ACOTE)认证。, located at 6116 Executive Boulevard, Suite 200, North Bethesda, MD 20852-4929. ACOTE的电话号码c/o AOTA是(301)652-AOTA,网址是 该课程的毕业生将有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT)管理的职业治疗师国家认证考试。. After successful completion of this exam, the individual will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). In addition, all states require licensure in order to practice; however, 国家执照通常是基于NBCOT认证考试的结果. 请注意,重罪定罪可能会影响毕业生参加NBCOT认证考试或获得州执照的能力.

学生必须在完成课程教学部分后的24个月内完成24周的二级实地考察以及14周的个人顶点经验. 博士学位必须在完成所有课程和二级实地考察以及完成2018年ACOTE OTD标准D中定义的准备活动后开始.1.3

OT Admissions

阅读我们的招生信息,了解所有你需要知道的先决条件, how to apply, and more.

OT students talk to each other
OT student uses a balance board
Path from admission to practice

博彩平台网址大全入门级职业治疗博士(OTD)课程培养学生成为具有社会意识的职业治疗师,促进健康, health, and advocacy in a global society. 我们32个月的创新加速课程包括5个教学的校园三个学期, two trimesters of Level II fieldwork, and a 14-week Doctoral Capstone. 该课程旨在为学生提供卓越的教育,使他们能够在非传统和传统环境中担任多面手职业治疗师.

博彩平台网址大全入门级OTD课程是为全日制学习而设计的. During the on-campus trimesters, 学生参加跨专业学习研讨会,其中包括9个健康科学学院项目. Our students participate in extracurricular activities, volunteer locally and abroad, and engage in leadership roles. 职业治疗部门提供同伴和学术指导,以指导学生整个项目.

All admitted students must:

  • 课程作业的总成绩保持在70%或以上(学生不得选修超过两门课程), and no course may be repeated more than once).
  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  • 表现出职业治疗学生手册中所描述的适当的专业行为.
  • Maintain graduate school admissions requirements.

Students graduate after successful completion of:

  • Coursework with minimum 3.00 GPA.
  • 在完成教学课程后的24个月内进行28周的二级监督实地考察和14周的博士学位课程.
  • 120-units in a minimum of 32 months. Must complete all requirements within five years of initial matriculation.
  • 展示OT综合实践技能的能力,包括实践基础, basic tenets of OT, evaluation and screening, intervention, management of OT services, communication, and professional behavior.
  • 学生必须在完成课程教学部分后的24个月内完成二级实地考察和经验顶点要求.

一旦入门级OTD项目获得acte的认证状态, 博彩平台网址大全的毕业生将有资格参加由国家职业治疗认证委员会(NBCOT). Upon successfully completing the exam, the graduate will be an Occupational Therapist, Registered (OTR). Most states require licensure to practice. 然而,国家执照通常是基于NBCOT认证考试的结果.

NBCOT Eligibility

The National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT)可能会取消重罪定罪/指控的学生获得认证的资格. 资格审查委员会(QRC)将审查被定罪或被指控犯有重罪的考生的资格,以确定其情况是否与保险箱直接相关, proficient, and/or competent practice of occupational therapy. For students entering an OT program, 保监会可以提前作出批准参加认证考试的决定. For more information, please contact the NBCOT directly.

State Licensure Requirements

For more information regarding state requirements, please visit the AOTA State Licensure Requirements website.

Employment Resources and Opportunities

  • Employment Resources - AOTA Job Link Resources
  • OT Salary and Workforce Information - AOTA OT Salary & Workforce Survey
  • OT Resume and CV Resources - AOTA Resume and CV Resources
  • 传统和非传统环境下的OT职业-特殊兴趣的OT领域

Pacific’s OT faculty are at the top of their field and are here to guide you.

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Take the next step

We take a hands on approach with our students. 这意味着我们希望在您的发现和申请过程中了解您. Help us connect with you by taking the next step. 

Non-Discriminatio n Disclosure

该计划是一个机会均等的高等教育机构,并坚定地致力于在提供教育服务和就业实践中不歧视. In compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, such decisions will be made irrespective of the individual's race, color, religion, religious creed, ancestry, national origin, age (except for minors), sex, marital status, citizenship status, military service status, sexual orientation, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic condition), disability and/or any other status protected by law. For further information, please see the University’s policy

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Occupational Therapy

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Sacramento, CA 95817

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OT students talking on the sidewalk
Occupational Therapy