Pacific Alumna Melissa Trujillo headshot
Success after Pacific
Melissa Cortes Trujillo

Graduation year: May 2020
Major: BS, health exercise and sport science 
Student clubs/orgs:太平洋健康教育健身俱乐部
Hometown: Lodi, CA 
First generation and transfer student

Currently a grad student:
Duke University School of Medicine 
Doctor of Physical Therapy Division, Class of 2023 

When did you get interested in physical therapy? 

I think it was a combination of my whole childhood. 我来自一个低收入的墨西哥家庭,是第一代大学生. Navigating health care growing up, there wasn't much diversity within the field, 很多医护人员都是白人. Once in high school, 我已经确定我想从事医疗保健行业,因为我想参与到医疗保健行业的多样化中来. That was very important to me, especially as a Spanish speaker, 我想消除这种普遍存在的语言障碍, at least when I was a child. 

高中是我第一次加入运动队, like running track and cross country. 我非常喜欢这里的运动精神、训练和锻炼. So, 我会用谷歌(Google)搜索一下我能在医疗保健方面做些什么与体育相关的工作, and I found a physiatrist, which is an MD degree, and then physical therapy. 我确实在大学一年级就开始主修运动机能学. 从那时起,我开始明白物理治疗不仅仅是运动, it has many other fields and specialties, and then I liked it even more. I thought that if I’m not into sports my whole life, I can easily change it to cardiovascular, geriatrics, pediatrics, oncology or neurology.

Why did you choose Pacific?

I wanted to stay close to home, 但我也非常喜欢小教室和师生比例小的教室. 这个项目本身包括必要的临床经验,而我在一所物理治疗学校需要这些经验. 我觉得太平洋医疗中心与当地的诊所和医院有联系,这将有助于我建立人际网络,并让我有机会认识社区里的其他理疗师. I thought, as a first-generation college student, 它会给我最好的指导和结构,这是我在家里没有的.

我是圣华金三角洲学院的转校生,就在太平洋街那头. I was getting all my GE completed, and I was just going back and forth with my options, 我以为博彩平台网址大全能帮我实现我的梦想. With physical therapy, you definitely have to form some networks, 特别是对于申请要求和推荐信.


教室很小,每个人很快就学会了彼此的名字. I remember the first time I met with Dr. Courtney Jensen and Dr. 马克·凡·内斯,他们已经知道我的名字了,我觉得这太疯狂了. The faculty were very professional, but still very friendly, 我想这就是帮助我接近他们并寻求帮助的原因. 小班授课让我和老师们建立了更好的关系, and for more networking. 无论何时我需要什么,他们都确切地知道该给我什么样的信息或推荐.


我觉得我已经能够把我所有的太平洋实验室经验应用到我的研究生院. For example, we took blood pressure in many classes at Pacific, and I always used to think, ‘Oh my gosh we already did this, why are we doing this again?“现在,我对此非常感激,因为在我的研究生项目中,我们一直在测量血压.

Also, at Dr. Peg Ciccolella’s class, 我们必须观察一位医疗服务提供者,这很有帮助,因为它基本上给了我一个很好的选择,去看另一位临床医生的执业. Because Dr. Ciccolella’s class was small, 我可以直接和她谈谈我需要什么样的观察经验,并获得愿意接受太平洋学生的诊所等资源.

我还参加了WEFit俱乐部,并与St. Joseph's Hospital in Stockton. 我认为这让我对医院环境有了更多的了解,并再次与其他医疗保健专业人员建立了联系, 因为我们有理疗师监督我们. 这是博彩平台网址大全给我带来的一个主要好处,也影响了我现在的研究生项目. 


老实说,我认为是沟通和网络. 有一段经历让我印象深刻,那是我在2020年担任WEFit俱乐部主席的时候. Dr. 范内斯希望我们与当地一家健身俱乐部合作,举办一个社区健康博览会. 由于COVID-19大流行,这种情况最终没有发生. 范内斯在太平洋校区召开了一次会议,与健身俱乐部的经理和代表们讨论了这次合作. Even though I was just a student, Dr. VanNess邀请我以WEFit总裁的身份参加. 我真的很感激他对我的尊重,以及他在会议上对我意见的重视. 


我将回到加州进行第三年的临床实习. After that, 一旦我通过了州委员会的注册理疗师考试, my goal is to work in the Central Valley. The valley is just so diverse, 我认为是时候让我们的医疗保健系统反映出他们所治疗的患者群体了. 我想把我说西班牙语的能力和我在杜克大学学到的知识带回抚养我长大的社区. Also, as a Latina, 我想让医疗保健多样化,与我未来的病人和像我一样的孩子们更亲近,他们有一天可能会想进入医疗保健行业. 


Honestly, if I can do it, they can do it, too. 我会让他们反思一个事实,即目前只有3.5% of physical therapists in the U.S. identify as LatinX. 如果他们想做点什么,他们完全有能力做到! If they do join Pacific, they will get the resources, 网络机会和知识应用到研究生项目,成为物理治疗师.