
Niraj Chaudhary

Niraj Chaudhary works with students enrolled in Pacific's Summer High School Institute.

Two dynamic leaders have been selected to advance 博彩平台网址大全’s vision of integrated learning and teaching centered around the newly modernized library. 

Niraj Chaudhary has been promoted to dean of the William Knox Holt Memorial 图书馆 and Learning Center and 杰西卡Tinklenberg, program director for The Claremont 大学 Center for Teaching and Learning, 他被任命为教与学中心主任. The two will be working closely to provide forward-thinking academic support for students and faculty.

Chaudhary previously served as associate dean for technology-enhanced learning and innovation at Pacific. 他于7月1日开始担任新职务. Tinklenberg将于7月11日开始工作. 

“我们正处于一种新的学习模式:更加流畅, 更积极的, 更多的联系,摄政王兰德尔·巴斯说, a 1981 Pacific graduate and vice president for strategic education at Georgetown University. “There are no two more important positions in the university than those that will guide faculty and students into this new world through the library and the Center for Teaching and Learning. 这是事关太平洋未来的重要时刻.”

Extensive renovations to the library were completed in 2021 to create spaces that support innovations and creativity in learning and teaching. 图书馆现在包括一个数字创客空间, 合作的空间, 冥想祈祷区, 以及学生学业成功中心, 它整合了辅导等学生服务, 写作中心和学习技巧课程.

The Center for Teaching and Learning that supports faculty in innovative pedagogies and best practices in teaching and assessment also is based at the library.  

Niraj Chaudhary

有了新的资源, Chaudhary wants to see the library become the “heart of the campus” for learning and teaching.

“We are really focused on what 21st century students are looking for,乔杜里说. “The way students learn is changing, so we're trying to be nimble and provide what they need.”

作为副院长, Chaudhary worked extensively to support faculty and students with the Cube—Pacific’s innovation and technology center in the library, 提供从3D打印到虚拟现实的一切服务.

Chaudhary is looking forward to expanding its use in partnership with the Center for Teaching and Learning. “我看到了很多协同效应,”乔杜里说. “这将产生巨大的影响.”

玛丽亚Pallavicini, 教务长兼学术事务执行副校长, 形容乔杜里非常致力于为学生服务.

“He's visionary about the future for libraries in higher education and how learning, teaching and student support are integrally linked to support both our students and faculty,帕拉维西尼说. “Working with library faculty and staff he will be able to implement the vision that was the foundation for our renovation where information is integrated in a very intentional way with teaching and learning.”

Chaudhary had an instrumental role in the library’s renovation as part of the leadership design team. The renovation focused on bringing together three key areas: technology, 教育学与图书馆资源.

“What we need to do now is have the leaders from all the campus units housed in the library and learning center work together to activate the spaces,乔杜里说.

已经有几个项目正在进行. Pacific was selected to be part of the prestigious Institute on Open Educational Resources offered by the American Association of 大学 and Universities. The institute helps campuses devise plans for expanding their use of education materials that students and faculty can use for free or significantly reduced costs, 哪一种方法被证明可以提高公平和学生的成功. 

Faculty and staff from the Center for Teaching and Learning and 学生生活 will attend the year-long institute beginning mid-July. Open Educational Resources have already saved students at Pacific about $1 million in textbook costs since 2017. 

Another project underway is a think tank course led by College of the Pacific faculty and housed in the library. 2022年秋季的主题是斯托克顿作为一个全球化的城市. Students will work in groups to produce engaging media projects using a combination of game, 电影, 网页设计和数据可视化技术. 

“It will bring together students and faculty from various disciplines for a unique immersive and interdisciplinary experience,乔杜里说. “It’s a great example of supporting faculty-led curricular innovation in the renovated library.”




In her role as director for Pacific’s Center for Teaching and Learning, Tinklenberg will be working closely with Chaudhary to support students and faculty. Her initial priority is to ensure an equitable and inclusive teaching environment.

“招聘和支持多元化的教师很重要,”廷克伦伯格说. “We want to make sure our faculty feel supported as educators and that our students see people like them in the classroom so they know they can succeed and thrive.”

太平洋改善多样性的工作, equity and inclusion was one of the reasons Tinklenberg was drawn to the role.

“There was such a commitment to this idea of structural change and to making sure that it's not just one-off programming that the Center for Teaching and Learning does, but that it is embedded in all the ways teaching and learning is critical to student success,”她说。.

Tinklenberg comes to Pacific from the Claremont 大学 where she has served as director for its Center for Teaching and Learning since 2018.

“She brings a wealth of experience in best practices in teaching and pedagogy, 在与教职员工的合作中有着良好的记录, 对多样性的坚定承诺, 公平和包容以及与教师的良好关系,帕拉维西尼说.