药店 alumnus named California Pharmacist of the Year adding to long list of Pacific inductees


Michael Pavlovich ’89 has been named the California Pharmacists Association Pharmacist of the Year.

博彩平台网址大全 continues its legacy of producing outstanding pharmacy leaders by adding another to the ranks of 13 Pacificans who have been named the California Pharmacists Association Pharmacist of the Year.

This year’s recipient 迈克Pavlovich joins Pacific alumni and faculty members—dating back to 1979—selected for the honor, making Pacific representatives the most awarded of any California school. 清单包括:

  • 2021年迈克尔·帕夫洛维奇89年

  • 2015年瑞安·盖茨04年

  • 2014年道格拉斯·道格·希尔布洛姆78届

  • 2010 Ralph L. Saroyan 64

  • 2005年克里斯托弗·吴88年

  • 2004年菲利普·奥本海默

  • 2003年老约翰·史蒂芬·汉布赖特. ’71

  • 2001年,克拉克·古斯塔夫森66年

  • 2000罗伯特·尼克尔81年

  • Donald“Don”G. Floriddia 71

  • 1992年迈克尔A. Pastrick 73

  • 1981年,查尔斯·格林

  • 1979 Royce L. 弗瑞森65年

The award recognizes a California Pharmacists Association member for their outstanding activities and leadership, who is well regarded by colleagues for their professional advancements.

Pavlovich 说 he feels a sense of both disbelief and validation for the recognition.

“It’s always a good day when your colleagues recognize you for the things you’ve done and the efforts you’ve made,他说. “(Receiving the award) puts you in the company of a lot of real giants of pharmacy practice and the profession.”

帕夫洛维奇,总裁和老板 韦斯特克利夫复方药房 他在纽波特比奇大学获得了药学博士学位 托马斯J. 龙药学院 in 1989. While at Pacific, Pavlovich learned from fellow Pharmacist of the Year recipients Donald “Don” G. 佛罗里达71年,博士和拉尔夫·L. Saroyan ' 64,哲学博士. He has been a leader in pharmaceutical compounding and sports medicine for two decades and prior to starting his pharmacy 10 years ago, 帕夫洛维奇是体育制药公司的药剂师.

“药店 is a great profession with a long history of innovation and relevance in everyday life,巴甫洛维奇说, 谁将在6月19日的仪式上获得荣誉. And working in sports medicine has “been one of the most rewarding and fulfilling aspects of my practice for the past 21 years.”


Pavlovich has worked with professional and collegiate athletes and was the sole pharmacist among 100 medical professionals supporting athletes during the 2008 Summer Olympics. 他回忆说,当时的美国.S. volleyball team spotted him after their gold-medal win and introduced him to their families: “This is our pharmacist.”

“这是一个特殊的时刻,”他说. “It was validating for that whole month that I spent away from my family.”

Other notable points of his career include being president of the California Pharmacists Association and trustee for the American Pharmacists Association from 2008 to 2014. In 2012, Pavlovich was the recipient of the Distinguished Achievement Award in Specialized 药店 Practice from American Pharmacists Association.

加入太平洋商学院有很多积极的方面, 弗雷斯诺本地人说, including the advantage of a three-year program and learning from exceptional faculty such as Floriddia and Saroyan, he 说.

Floriddia expressed his congratulations to Pavlovich on what he 说 is “well-deserved success as a pharmacist, 社区领袖和家庭男人.”

“He has displayed the creativity and determination as a leader when he was a student and now as a health care professional,弗罗里迪亚说. “I am proud and confident today in his ability to rise to the next challenge.”

Saroyan 说 he has “followed (Pavlovich’s) meteoritic rise to leadership within the profession, not only in California as one of the youngest presidents of the California Pharmacists Association; he rose to dominance at the national level serving within the leadership at APhA. 最后,他担任了第一批药剂师之一的美国.S. 奥运代表队与太平洋校友罗伯特·尼克尔.”

“Don and Ralph have been real strong mentors throughout my career, even to this day,” Pavlovich 说. ”(太平洋), there was a great level of collegiality between faculty and students and they treated you as if you were one of them. And even though you knew you didn’t have the same level of experience, 你觉得你们在追求同样的职业道路.”

Pacific’s established the third pharmacy school and the first accelerated doctor of pharmacy program in the state when it was founded in 1955. 从那时起,托马斯J. 龙药学院 has been at the forefront of offering a dynamic student-centered education focused on leadership and innovation.

Saroyan说 Pacific is unique in that it develops its students right out of high school, which allows them to have relationships with both the professional students and students of other majors, be a part of the pharmacy school as first-year students and grow as leaders.

Pacific has the perfect balance of exposure and guidance that makes it special, 马库斯·拉夫南说, PharmD, professor and associate dean for student affairs at the 托马斯J. 龙药学院.

“Mentorship starts early for students, where they see leaders lead and engage in their profession. In that, they find purpose and, in that purpose, they find their life calling,” Ravnan 说. “From there, the cycle repeats and another is brought up through the ranks.”

“We take pride in the fact that we’ve probably produced the most leaders of any school in the state, 以及全国范围内,弗罗里迪亚说 about Pacific’s pharmacy school and students. “我们似乎总是站在矛的尖端.”