学生行为审查过程包括被指控违反一项或多项政策的学生(答辩人)与学生行为审查委员会(SCRB)或听证会官员之间的会议. 听证官和scb负责审查和确定涉嫌违规行为的责任. They are also responsible for determining and recommending sanctions.

我们对违反与酒精和其他药物有关的政策的做法是积极主动和具有教育意义的. 在迎新会上,学生们被告知酒精和其他药物的影响,课程在宿舍里举办, by sports teams and student organizations, and by University departments throughout the academic year. 被发现违反政策的学生也会被送到E-Chug等教育和自我评估项目, E-Toke, Alcohol I, and Level II Substance Abuse Courses. 酒精一级和二级药物滥用课程是教育项目,帮助学生更好地理解使用和滥用酒精和药物的影响. 每个项目都由训练有素的教师指导,并为学生提供一个评估自己行为和滥用或成瘾风险的机会.

Although our approach is educational in nature, 屡次违反我们的酒精或药物政策可能会被学校开除. 被发现制造或分销毒品的学生可能会被学校开除. 


The submission of a report may cause the creation of a student conduct file. If the respondent is found not responsible for the alleged charges, the student conduct file is sealed. If a student is found responsible for the charges, 档案将在学生毕业后保留7年,以作内部记录之用. If a student has additional incidents, the student conduct file may be used to provide insight in the student's behavior.

FERPA代表1974年的家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99). It is a federal law that protects the privacy of student education records. "Education records" are "those records, files documents, and other materials which 1) contain information directly related to a student; and 2) are maintained by an educational institution. (20 U.S.C. § 1232g(a)(4)(A); 34 CFR § 99.3). FERPA适用于所有根据美国联邦政府的适用项目获得资金的学校.S. Department of Education.

Attorney Guide to the Student Conduct Process

学生应积极应对不当行为的指控.  Therefore, it is in the student's best interest to engage in the process.  学生行为和社区标准办公室将直接与学生沟通.  Attorneys are not allowed to participate directly in any part of the conduct process; however, a student may seek assistance from legal counsel at any time.

学生可以在听证会之前和听证会期间合理地查阅他或她的案件档案, including an oral summary of the evidence supporting the charge(s).  Respondents must make this request in writing.  为了保护涉及行为问题的其他学生的机密或隐私,我们不提供案件档案的副本. 

大学希望及时和迅速地解决问题,不会因刑事诉讼而耽误审查, 除非有令人信服的理由让大学考虑推迟这个过程.  学生行为诉讼独立于任何适用于或可能适用于争议行为的政府刑事程序.  政府当局的调查结果不会决定学生行为过程的结果.

太平洋可能会在学生缺席的情况下继续进行行为程序,并根据调查所得的信息确定责任.  学生可能会选择保持沉默,因为他们意识到他们放弃了向决策机构提供自己故事的机会.

The student conduct process is applicable to all University students, including undergraduate, professional, and graduate students.  该程序的管辖范围扩大到学生和学生客人在斯托克顿校区或附近发生的行为,或在任何大学运营的项目中, premises or facility, including study abroad programs, internships, athletic events, campus trips, 以及在学生与学校的关系范围内发生的或与之相当相关的任何其他活动.  The University reserves the right to take any action, 根据其判断,保护校园社区的安全和福祉,哪一项是必要和适当的.

举证责任将推定答辩人对侵权行为不负责任。.  答辩人的责任必须建立在学生行为审查委员会或行政人员满意的证据优势.  如果学生很可能违反了学生行为准则或大学政策,则该学生将被发现对所指控的违规行为负责.

学生行为的过程是建立在教育机构的使命.  博彩平台网址大全的学生行为程序符合正当程序条款关于通知和陈述机会的基本要求.  For more information about the student conduct process, please consult Pacific's Student Conduct and Community Standards Office.