Find the prescription for success

作为加州唯一一所为毕业生提供免费沉浸式CPJE考试准备的药学博士学校,也是加州为数不多的提供三年加速课程的学校之一, 太平洋药学博士将为您未来的药学事业打开大门. 

The Pacific PharmD recently launched a summer immersive program, Rx For Success, designed to prepare its pharmacy graduates for the licensure exam. 参加该项目的博彩平台网址大全毕业生的平均通过率为83%,高于加州其他任何一所大学.

Apply to the PharmD program

The PharmD program at the Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy允许你通过我们的三年加速课程成为一名药剂师,无论你是否拥有学士学位.

If you’re ready to start building toward a successful career in pharmacy, 回顾我们的入学要求,了解为什么你应该申请药学博士学位课程!

The Pharmacy College Admission Test (PCAT) is NOT required.

Application deadlines

Final application deadline: June 3, 2024

The 2023-24 PharmD admissions cycle begins July 13, 2023. 申请人可以尽快开始并提交申请.

Learn more about application deadlines.

Pharmacy students studying in the library
Get your application questions answered

We provide an environment where you can thrive. 我们的教职员工致力于你的成长-学术,个人和专业.


Overview of the PharmD application process

The Thomas J. 龙药学院使用药学院申请服务(PharmCAS)为未来的学生提交他们的药学博士申请. Through PharmCAS, 申请人需要完成最初的PharmCAS申请以及学校的补充申请.

Doctor of pharmacy prerequisites

To gain admission into the PharmD program, 你必须至少修满68个学期的大学水平课程, including all of the requirements listed below. All requirements must be completed, in progress or planned before application review.

Upon the completion of the PharmD application, 博彩平台网址大全将对您的课程作业进行评估,并确定任何缺失的先决条件. If any coursework is missing, 你会收到通知,并被要求在你的课程表上提供任何缺失的课程.


在进入我们的课程之前已经完成或计划完成所有先决条件的申请人有资格申请. 科学要求或公开演讲不接受在线课程.

Note: Due to COVID-19, 我们接受2020年春季至2022年秋季期间完成的所有先决条件的在线课程. 课程必须以字母成绩完成,不接受及格/不及格或学分/无学分.

入学前的整个夏天你都要完成你的先决条件, with the exception of organic chemistry. 有机化学第一学期的成绩必须不迟于你申请学年的前一个秋季学期.

建议在四年制大学完成所有的科学要求. Review our list of transferable courses to determine if you have met the requirements.

You must inform us in writing of all changes to your schedule, including changes that are not related to pharmacy prerequisites, via the Planned Courses form. 如果你不能像预期的那样获得学士学位,你也必须立即通知我们.

University of the Pacific has no expiration of prerequisite coursework. For the PharmD program, 在审查申请人的学业成绩后,学院保留要求学生参加有机化学和生物进修课程的权利. 这种要求通常是在完成前提课程后超过七年的情况下提出的. Please contact the Office of Admission at for additional information.

The minimum cumulative GPA to be considered for the PharmD program is 2.70. 在特殊情况下,低于最低累积GPA的学生可以被考虑. Please contact the Office of Pharmacy Admission at for additional information.

Transcript requirements

申请人必须向PharmCAS发送一份美国境内每一所认可学校的正式成绩单. Send all completed courses to date, if available. 如果没有,则应在成绩公布后通过PharmCAS更新夏季和秋季成绩. 不要等待申请或忽视发送什么是可用的,因为夏季会议注册.

You must also send one official transcript from U.S. 非地区认可的学校(职业、技术或语言学校).


If you have studied outside the United States, 您必须向PharmCAS发送一份世界教育服务国际证书优势包的正式副本. To order, go to Courses taken during a study abroad program through a U.S. institution are exempt.

If you completed coursework in the military, 您必须将ACE成绩单和DD214表格的正式副本直接发送到博彩平台网址大全.

AP/IB/CLEP test scores

The Thomas J. 朗药学院只要求考试成绩,如果你用考试来满足先决条件. 请务必在PharmCAS网站的补充申请部分报告您的分数. 如果被录取,你将被要求在那个时候发送一份正式的分数报告副本.

You must have scored a 4 or 5 in AP or a 5, 6 or 7 in higher-level IB exams to fulfill a prerequisite. We do not accept exam scores for biology or chemistry.


TOEFL or IELTS score

If English is not your first language, you may be required to submit an appropriate TOEFL or IELTS exam. However, students who have lived in the U.S. for more than six years and earned a U.S. bachelor’s degree are automatically exempt.

Learn more about submitting your TOEFL or IELTS scores.

Future pharmacists inspired to become patient care advocates

Learn why our PharmD students chose Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy for their education. 听我们的学生在学校的经历,因为他们分享他们希望成为药剂师的类型.

Why apply to the PharmD program at University of the Pacific?

High NAPLEX exam pass rate

太平洋药学博士毕业生在NAPLEX考试中的首次通过率一直高于全国平均水平. We also offer a first-of-its-kind, immersive three-week residential CPJE and NAPLEX preparatory program! 

Start impacting patients’ lives now

Since 2007, Pacific’s Medicare Part D Outreach Clinics have assisted nearly 10,500 patients with their Medicare Part D drug plan, helping patients save an estimated total of $10.12 million.

Through student-led outreach programs, you interact directly with patients, providing vital health care services to members of our community.

Contact us

Office of Pharmacy Admission

Have questions about Pacific’s PharmD program?

Tony Williams
Director of Recruitment
209.946.3957 |

Have questions about the admission process?
209.932.3600 |

Two students walking on campus

Apply to the PharmD program to help patients live healthier lives

From clinical pharmacy to independent pharmacy ownership, our graduates lead successful health careers. 今天向药学博士学位项目提交你的申请,朝着充实的职业迈出下一步.