入学政策 & 实践

Our admissions and recruitment strategy reflects the mission of the Program and is aligned with school policy on fair admission practices.

The Program is an equal opportunity institution of higher learning and is firmly committed to nondiscrimination in its delivery of educational services and employment practices. 遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律, 这些决定将与个人的种族无关, color, 宗教, 宗教信仰, 祖先, 国家的起源, 年龄(未成年人除外), 性, 婚姻状况, 国籍, 兵役状况, 性取向, 医疗状况(癌症相关或遗传状况), 残疾和/或任何其他受法律保护的身份. 在必要的时候, the Program will reasonably accommodate an individual (including students) with disabilities if the educational program of the school determines that the student meets the technical standards, and that such accommodations may be made without undue hardship to the school and/or without altering fundamental aspects of its educational program.


  • 入学考试: 2025年1月
  • 应用程序窗口: 2024年4月26日至8月. 1, 2024
  • 采访: 2024年7月- 9月
  • 类选择: 不迟于10月. 1, 2024
  • 预期毕业后: 2027年4月


Some preference is applied to the following areas/groups in the evaluation of applicants:

  • 社区服务时间
  • 现役军人/退伍军人
  • 总绩点
  • 理科总GPA
  • 博彩平台网址大全校友(在博彩平台网址大全居住一年或以上)
  • 有个别HRSA因素的申请人
  • 申请人有医师助理的推荐信
  • 来自以下CA县的申请人:阿尔卑斯, Amador, 孤峰, 卡拉维拉斯, 其传人居住, Del Norte, 埃尔多拉多, 夫勒斯诺市, 格伦, 洪堡, 阴阳, 克恩, 国王, 湖, 拉森, 马德拉, 蝴蝶百合, 奇诺, 默塞德, 莫多克人, 莫诺, 蒙特利, 内华达, 普莱瑟, 普卢默斯, 萨克拉门托, 圣贝尼托, 圣华金, 圣路易斯奥比斯波, 沙士达山, 塞拉, Siskiyou, 斯坦尼斯洛斯, 萨特, Tehama, 三一, 杜瑞, 图奥勒米, Yolo, 尤巴
  • 申请人来自以下州:阿拉斯加, 亚利桑那州, 加州, 夏威夷, 俄勒冈州, 内华达, 和华盛顿
  • 医疗护理经验(直接病人护理小时数)


The PA Program 入学s Committee conducts a thorough vetting of each applicant file received from the Centralized Application Service for 医师助理 项目 (CASPA). Applications are screened upon receipt from CASPA to ensure that all prerequisites have been satisfied. Applications that satisfy all prerequisite requirements are then scored and ranked by proprietary criteria, which include a stratified quantitative and qualitative evaluation of academic achievement and healthcare 经验. 该项目采用整体方法对申请人进行审查. 最具竞争力的申请人将被邀请参加面试. 在任何领域取得优异成绩的申请人都可能没有资格参加面试. 面试者要参加一个为期一天的活动,其中包括社交活动, 小组面试, 还有小组面试. Applicants are then scored using a pre-defined scoring system and reviewed by the admissions committee. 委员会在选择录取人时考虑了许多因素, 包括申请人的申请, 面试, 经验, 适合顺利完成课程, 以及学生群体多样性的发展. 总之, 使用整体方法, the admissions committee considers all aspects of the applicant to make final admission decisions. 所有名额将于最后面试结束后提供. 由于我们的录取时间表和对所有申请人的公平, 我们不提供提前入学或滚动入学.


个人助理计划不提供高级学位. To ensure that graduates of the PA Program will be adequately prepared for clinical practice, students are expected to participate in and satisfactorily complete all aspects of the didactic and clinical curriculum.


我们主要的沟通方式是电子邮件. The admissions committee will meet once all 面试s have been completed to make selections for the seats in the class. 该项目将发送录取电子邮件和提供职位的信件, 或者候补名单上的一个位置, 对于即将到来的班级. The Program will likewise notify those candidates who were not selected as soon as practical.

补领/ Re-Enrollment

课程每年接受一次. 未被选中的申请人可在下一个申请周期重新申请. Applicants who have been in a previous class at the PA Program may apply for re-enrollment through the same process as other applicants unless conditions of dismissal from the prior class bar such action. All re-applicants will be required to submit a new application via CASPA including new evaluations and transcripts. 重新申请的申请人也需要再次面试. All re-applicant strengths and weaknesses will be evaluated against those of other applicants in the current pool.




不允许转让信用. 与工作相关的经历不会被记入学分. 该项目不接受转学生.



  • 所有的先决条件课程必须在认可的美国机构完成.
  • Baccalaureate degrees will be accepted from foreign institutions only if accompanied by a World Education Services (WES) evaluation of foreign training. CASPA也接受WES对成绩单的评估.
  • 注:WES不评估所有加勒比医学院. 如果你就读的学校是世界教育服务(WES)不会评估的, 你的成绩单将不被视为你申请的一部分. Applicants will still be required to demonstrate that all prerequisites have been met with the exclusion of the affected transcripts.
  • 整个课程以英语授课. 如果英语不是你的第一语言, you may be required to take the TOEFL/ IELTS and should submit your score with your CASPA application. The program will not accept applications with a TOEFL score less than 100 or IELTS score less than 7.0. 托福成绩在考试日期后两年内有效. 查看托福考试流程图,看看你是否需要.


Pacific welcomes applications for its MPAS degree program from qualified applicants who are undocumented, 包括那些拥有DACA移民身份或符合DACA资格的人. Pacific is also firmly committed to supporting enrolled students from these backgrounds. 入学s to the MPAS degree program follows the same process as all other applicants. All qualified applicants accepted to the program are required to satisfactorily pass a background check. A valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN) is required to complete this process.


在加州, DACA students are eligible to apply for and obtain a license to practice as a physician assistant. 在加州或其他州执业, a physician assistant graduate must pass the 医师助理 National Certifying Examination (PANCE) and apply for state licensure. The criteria for eligibility to sit for the PANCE board examination and/or to qualify for state licensure are set by the National Commission on Certification of 医师助理s (NCCPA) board and each state. Students should consult the requirements of the licensing authority in any state in which they contemplate practicing to ascertain the qualifications for licensure. 有关加州执照的信息可在以下网址找到 http://www.pab.ca.gov. 有关其他州的信息可在 http://www.nccpa.net/state-licensing-boards/.


  • Undocumented students are currently not eligible to apply for any federal funding, 包括FAFSA和勤工俭学.
  • Undocumented students may be eligible for private scholarships, fellowships, grants, and/or loans. 一些例子包括:
  • Non-institutional scholarships are available to members of certain backgrounds, 比如军人家庭, members of religious organizations or communities and particular groups of students. 例如:
  • 无证学生有资格申请替代/私人贷款. 为了做到这一点,他们必须有一个信誉良好的美国银行的共同签署人.S. 公民.