准备好了吗 现实世界中

主修或辅修经济学, you will be taught how to conceptualize your own roles in society, 无论是作为一个个体, a member of a private-sector firm or as a public servant in the government sector. You will learn how to apply theoretical understanding and analytical skills to a wide variety of issues, 问题和政策. 

You will graduate ready to put those skills to use across a wide variety of industries working in business, 金融, law or for governmental or non-profit agencies in nearly any field.

All of our classes emphasize real-world applications and implications of the material, always making the connection between what you are learning in 教室里 and what you will need to be successful in your career and as citizen-leader.


From family-centered decisions to world-wide issues, economics affects everyone's lives. 了解更多 about the Pacific experience and the importance of hands-on learning and connecting economic theories to the 现实世界中.


Economics major 哈马蒂松 ’24 interned at Accord Capital to experience working in the 金融 world. He says his Pacific coursework him with a strong foundation and a diverse tool set. He shares his tips for making the most of a 金融 internship.



经济学在许多职业中都扮演着重要的角色, and students with degrees in Economics are some of the highest paid college graduates in the marketplace.

Share of job postings for economics graduates by industry are shown below:

  • CALIBRE系统 
  • Cordes基金会
  • CRC健康组
  • 联邦住房金融局
  • 五星银行
  • 摩根大通 & 公司
  • 美林(Merrill Lynch)
  • 米勒康胜
  • 摩根大学
  • 内森的同事 
  • 太平洋燃气 & 电力公司
  • 普渡大学
  • Sapient Global Markets
  • 高乐氏公司
  • VANTOM同事
  • 威瑞森


学习 除了 教室里

Our students have the opportunity for participate in internships with local firms, national and international businesses and organizations as well as government agencies. 感谢校友John C. 拜尔62, two economics students each year are chosen as Nathan Scholars-a fully-paid summer internship at a Washington, 总部设在华盛顿的国际咨询公司. Students are also encouraged to conduct undergraduate re搜索 under the guidance of a faculty mentor. Several students have been awarded summer re搜索 grant funds and some have presented their work at national re搜索 conferences.


Students who have worked as Nathan Scholars have helped run cost-benefit analysis on the expansion of the Panama Canal, studied trade and logistics on Moldovan trade routes and re搜索ed the cost of unhealthy women to the economies of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation nations.

In addition to performing meaningful work at a world-class consulting firm, students are also encouraged to engage with Washington's network of policy consultants. 

"The Nathan Scholars Program takes interns to a whole new place and plugs them in there,经济学教授法利·斯坦克说. “这不是一份复印的实习工作. It really is designed to give them experience doing consulting, doing what economists do."


“在华盛顿特区工作.C. [as a Nathan Scholar] has been an amazing experience and a substantial step toward my career goals after graduation.” 

——alayna Myrick, 19


The 综合开发小组 (IDG) is a student-driven, management consulting group sponsored by 博彩平台网址大全. We benefit students by providing hands-on consulting projects for real businesses.


The Bachelor of Science in Economics degree allows you to pair your study of economics with other disciplines but has greater quantitative/analytical requirements than the Bachelor of Arts. 

All of our classes emphasize real-world applications and implications of the material, always making the connection between what you learn in 教室里 and what you will need to be successful in your career and as a citizen-leader.

请参阅 一般目录 的课程.

A general economics degree with a more quantitative emphasis.

This track is ideal for students interested in both economics and business and includes several courses, 比如会计和商法, 从埃伯哈特商学院毕业.

This track is designed for students interested in applied mathematics or for those preparing to attend graduate school in economics and includes several courses from the Department of Mathematics as requirements.


经济学学士学位 & 公共政策硕士

Pacific and McGeorge School of 法律 now offer an accelerated pathway to a Master in Public Policy. You will major in economics and minor in public policy to earn a bachelor degree in three-and-a-half years. 如果你达到了GPA要求, you are guaranteed admission to McGeorge where you can earn your master's degree in a year-and-a-half.

McGeorge was the first law school to offer a master's degree in public policy. The program offers a foundation in law and focuses on developing the quantitative analytical skills used in formulating public policy.


Students earn both a bachelor’s degree in economics and a master’s degree in data science and are well prepared to enter the workforce in a variety of industries.

A total of eight units are double-counted toward both degrees, giving students a significant time and financial savings. 在第五年也是最后一年, the hybrid modality allows students to work and finish the master’s program at the same time.



