
University of Dayton No. 2 Named New AD at Pacific

Adam Tschuor

Adam Tschuor, 他帮助代顿大学在竞争激烈的大西洋会议上取得了运动成绩和学术成就,成为该校排名第一的人. 2 sports executive, will be the new athletics director at University of the Pacific, officials announced today.

Tschuor 11年前加入代顿,担任票务主管,并在组织中不断升迁. 在过去的六年里,他一直担任高级副体育主管.

Like Pacific, which plays in the West Coast Conference, 代顿大学有17个田径项目——10个女子队和7个男子队. 在过去的十年里,代顿男篮四次进入NCAA锦标赛, including a trip to the Elite 8 in 2014.

Tschuor played an integral role in creating a dynamic fan base at UD Arena, which at 13,407个座位是大西洋会议中最大的,是亚历克斯G的两倍多. Spanos Center. 在过去的三年里,飞人队的男篮场次已经连续48次爆满,而且即将到来的赛季也将爆满. 代顿大学在全国大学篮球出勤率中经常排名前25位. “红色恐慌”的学生区让对手在特拉华大学竞技场(UD Arena)出了名地难以招架.

Tschuor也一直在招聘和培养教练人才,并为代顿非常成功的筹款做出了重要贡献, ticket-revenue generation and lucrative media contracts.

Student-athletes also have excelled academically at Dayton, 在过去的15年里,每年至少有三支球队获得NCAA顶级学术认可的15所大学之一, a group that includes Harvard, Duke, Princeton, Penn, Yale, Northwestern, Brown, Dartmouth and Notre Dame.

Dayton President Eric F. Spina, 在过去七年的总统任期内与舒尔密切合作的人, 这位体育主管一直是“代顿大学体育成功的重要组成部分”.”

总统说:“亚当是一个非常正直、价值观坚定、才华横溢的人。. “An innovative thinker, thoughtful strategist and extremely hard worker, the students, staff, alumni and fans of Pacific will enjoy getting to know Adam.”

太平洋田径队主席克里斯托弗·卡拉汉(Christopher Callahan)称这一任命是“太平洋田径队新时代的开始”.”

“Adam brings the precise combination of experiences, skills, values and attitude we were seeking,” Callahan said. “他是一位战略创新者和大思想家,通过平等的关系建立和关键的数据分析——领导的艺术和科学——来领导. And he has an infectious enthusiasm, optimism and energy.”

Tschuor, who will start Aug. 21岁的他说,博彩平台网址大全的“变革和创新之路”吸引了他.”

“I am deeply honored to be chosen to lead Pacific Athletics,” he said. “这是一个特殊的机构,我早就知道它是一个拥有令人兴奋的品牌的地方, core values and amazing potential.”

“在代顿,我们已经证明,在拥有全国知名的体育项目的同时,在课堂和社区中仍然表现出色是可能的. 我知道博彩平台网址大全也能做到这一点,我也充满了与学生交流的热情, coaches, donors, partners, alumni, fans, the city of Stockton, the Central Valley community and beyond to achieve that.”

Before joining Dayton, Tschuor在波尔州立大学工作了四年,负责门票销售. He also taught sports management as an adjunct professor at Dayton.

他于2005年获得Creighton University的工商管理学士学位, where he played on the golf team. He earned a Master of Arts in Sports Administration in 2010 from Ball State.

他的前任是珍妮特·卢卡斯(Janet Lucas),后者自2018年以来一直担任广告总监,在从事大学体育运动43年后即将退休.

The Pacific Tigers compete in the West Coast Conference, which includes Gonzaga University, Loyola Marymount University, Pepperdine University, Santa Clara University, St. 玛丽学院,波特兰大学,圣地亚哥大学和旧金山大学.

WCC Commissioner Stu Jackson applauded the move.

“卡拉汉校长的领导能力和对博彩平台网址大全的外部愿景继续提升了该机构的形象,” Jackson said. “他对博彩平台网址大全体育系的成功及其在大校园和斯托克顿社区中的核心作用投入了大量资金.

“任命Adam Tschuor为体育主管将进一步推进卡拉汉校长对大学及其体育部门的愿景. 亚当在部门领导团队任职期间,加强了代顿的外部运营,并帮助扩大了校园的形象. 作为西海岸会议的校园领导之一,我期待着了解亚当,并与他密切合作.”

NCAA负责篮球事务的高级副总裁丹·加维特(Dan Gavitt)称赞这是一次“了不起的聘用”.”

“亚当是代顿大学体育运动取得成功不可或缺的一部分,尤其是他们优秀的篮球项目,” Gavitt said. “他也是NCAA的重要合作伙伴,是疯狂三月四强赛主办机构的重要成员. Adam is an experienced administrator and talented communicator, 谁能给太平洋老虎队的田径社区带来积极的领导.”

舒尔是卡拉汉上任以来组建的太平洋公司领导团队的最新成员 president 他在亚利桑那州立大学沃尔特·克朗凯特新闻与大众传播学院担任了15年的院长和副教务长.

Last month, Gretchen Edwalds-Gilbert, a top academic leader at Scripps College and biology professor at Scripps, Claremont McKenna College and Pitzer College, joined Pacific as provost and executive vice president. Earlier this year, Lee Skinner, 现任杜兰大学纽科姆-杜兰学院院长,克莱蒙特-麦肯纳学院前副院长, joined Pacific as dean of the College of the Pacific, the university’s liberal arts and sciences school and the largest college.

Last year, James Walsh, the No. 2 financial executive at Tufts University, joined Pacific as chief financial officer. Niraj Chaudhary was promoted to dean of the William Knox Holt Memorial Library and Learning Center. Suong Ives, chief human resources officer for Providence St. 约瑟夫健康系统和克拉克森大学前人力资源主管,被任命为太平洋的第一位 chief people officer

In 2021, UCLA Dean for Students Maria Q. Blandizzi was named vice president for student life. Liz Orwin, head of engineering at Harvey Mudd College, another one of the Claremont Colleges, was appointed dean of the School of Engineering and Computer Science. Mary Lomax-Ghirarduzzi ’89, vice provost for diversity at the University of San Francisco, was appointed Pacific’s inaugural vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion.

Scott Biedermann ’05, ’20, who co-chaired the AD search with Professor Balint Sztaray, Pacific’s faculty athletics representative, was promoted to vice president for development and alumni relations. Christopher Ferguson, an enrollment strategist from Occidental College, 是新总统被任命为太平洋公司总裁时的第一个领导班子人选 vice president for enrollment strategy.

Pacific is California’s first and oldest university, founded in 1851. 这所大学在斯托克顿、萨克拉门托和旧金山都有校区,排名第一. 被《博彩平台网址大全》和《博彩平台网址大全排名》评为西部第19所大学,全国前100名.